
  • Finance Tracking
    • Expenses
      • Adding expense: add-expense / adde
      • List expense: ls-expense / lse
      • Delete expense: rm-expense / rme
    • Income
      • Adding income: add-income / addi
      • List income: ls-income / lsi
      • Delete income: rm-income / rmi
    • Savings
      • Check savings: savings
  • Exiting the program: exit
  • Viewing help: help
  • Saving the data


  • CI job (Wei Liang)
  • Gradle stuff (Ian)
  • Git projects
    • Create issues (all, based on UG assignment)
    • Create projects (Yong Ping)
      • Fine$$e (General)
      • Finance Tracking (Expenses)
      • Finance Tracking (Income)
      • Finance Tracking (Savings)
    • Assign issues to projects (issue creator)
    • Assign members to issues (discuss again)
  • Labels (Jingjing)
    • PR status
    • Type
    • Priority
  • Upload the UG (Siddarth)