
  • Ian Yong
    • Team Co-Lead
    • Testing
  • Wei Liang
    • Team Co-Lead
    • Git/CI Expert, Integration
  • Siddarth
    • Scheduling and Tracking
    • User Interface In-Charge
  • Jingjing
    • Documentation
    • Model/Logic In-Charge
  • Yong Ping
    • Code Quality
    • Storage In-Charge

v1.1 Tasks

  • Project Website
    • About Us (by Monday night)
      • Everyone to create PR for themselves
    • Readme (by Monday night)
      • UI Mockup basic (Siddarth)
  • User Guide (Done)
  • Developer Guide (Jingjing, Yong Ping)
    • User stories (Jingjing)
    • Glossary (Yong Ping)
    • Non-functional requirements (Yong Ping)
    • Use cases (Jingjing)
  • Transfer minutes to GitHub Pages (Ian)
  • PIT testing (Wei Liang)
  • Git hooks (Ian)
  • Planning for v1.2 (once all of the above are completed)