*Foreword: Meetings have been shifted from Saturdays to Fridays

Tasks for v1.2 (Due: 11th October)

  • Renaming (Yong Ping)
    • Person → Transaction
      • Name → Name
      • Phone → Amount
      • Tags → Category
      • Email → Date
      • Address → (deleted)
  • Slowly fix tests
    • Test data for Name/Amount/Category
  • UI
    • Make it look like the mock-up (Siddarth)
  • Models
    • Set up expenses, income, etc once transaction is up (Jingjing)
    • Modify AB3 to accommodate two lists (expenses and income)
  • Commands
    • Expenses (Ian)
      • Adding expense: add-expense / adde
      • List expense: ls-expense / lse
      • Delete expense: rm-expense / rme
    • Income (Wei Liang)
      • Adding income: add-income / addi
      • List income: ls-income / lsi
      • Delete income: rm-income / rmi
  • To be delegated at a later date:
    • Savings
      • Check savings: savings
    • Exiting the program: exit
    • Viewing help: help
    • Delete unused commands
  • Integration
    • OTOT pull from other teammates' branches to test integration
  • Documentation
    • UG at the end of v1.2
    • DG at the end of v1.2