Usage of Labels

  • BugĀ Ā : Unintended behaviour that needs to be addressed
  • EnhancementĀ Ā : Any improvements to the product
  • DocumentationĀ Ā : Improvements or additions to documentation
  • TaskĀ Ā : None of the above labels

Progress Update

  • Siddarth
    • Working on UI styling currently
    • To put up a PR with the base UI structure as soon as possible so that integration can begin
  • Wei Liang
    • Fix Amount and Date validation
    • To put PR by 6 Oct, target to merge by 7 Oct
  • Yong Ping
    • Added expense and income lists
    • Currently modifying FinanceTracker to include expense and income lists
    • Require ā€œFix Amount and Date validationā€ from Wei Liang
  • Jingjing
    • Renamed address book
    • Removed duplicate checks
  • Ian
    • Done with tasks
    • Waiting to start work on new features

Pull Request Review SOP

  • Clone PR to local machine
  • Run system tests
  • Perform exploratory testing
  • If there are code changes, run pitest to make sure the code is properly covered by tests
    • Compare report with master branch
  • Check diff on github
    • Make sure there are no unintended changes
    • Make sure that intended changes are there
    • Check for typos
    • Check for AB3 residue (fix-as-you-go policy)
      • AddressBook names
      • Javadocs (missing full stop, wrong documentation, grammar problems)