*Foreword: In lieu of CS2100 midterm assessment, the meeting was postponed to 10 October 2020.

Updated Architecture

Issue: Need to support UI-dependent behaviour for commands.

Solution: Pass the UI state to the command parser.


Wei Liang:

  • Create {Add, Delete} × {Expense, Income} Command
    • Generic AddCommand that works based on the current UiState


  • Add UiState (Partially done)
  • Create {Edit, List} × {Expense, Income} Command
    • Generic ListCommand that works based on the current UiState

Yong Ping:

  • Edit ModelManager.getFilteredTransactionList
  • Remove TransactionList


  • Make Transaction abstract
  • Generic FindCommand that works based on the current UiState


  • Adding left side panel in the main window
  • Change menu tabs to tab panel
  • Center categories
  • Show expense list and income lists in the respective panels (hook logic to UI)