v1.3 Progress update

  • Analytics
    • UI
      • Yong Ping and Ian taking over
      • Get library to work and seek permission for library (Yong Ping)
      • Refactor how tabs are handled in UI for greater extensibility (Ian)
      • Resizable window with minimum window size (Ian)
      • Set up analytics panel
      • Hook up visualisations to data
    • Logic/Model (Jingjing)
      • Monthly expense limit, monthly savings goal: by Saturday morning
      • Calculation of remaining budget and savings: by Sunday
      • Today’s date? Check when on analytics tab
  • Issue #128: Expense and income lists no longer update in the UI (Wei Liang)
    • Pending UI refactor
  • Refactor commands to be consistent
    • Fix tab exception before parse exception (Wei Liang)
  • Refactor Frequent Expense → Bookmarked Expense (Wei Liang)
  • Frequent Bookmarked Income (Siddarth)
    • Add Delete command for bookmarked incomes
    • Add Edit command for bookmarked incomes
    • Add Convert command for bookmarked incomes
    • Filter bookmarked incomes by keywords
    • Filter bookmarked expenses by keywords